Friday, April 29, 2016

The Nursery Rhyme Challenge - IBMC #08

Alright, this is , I guess, going to be the most funniest post from this challenge. 

This is the rhyme : 

Johny, Johny!

Yes, Papa
Eating sugar?
No, Papa
Telling lies?
No, Papa
Open your mouth!
Ha! Ha! Ha!

I am going to edit it this way
 Daddy, Daddy!

Yes, Beta
Eating Sweets?
No, Beta
Telling lies?
No, Beta
Open your mouth!

Interpretation : 

My father-in-law is diabetic (no wonder! his son loves him too much). Anyways, my husband keep an eye on him and never let him touch any sweet. So, just for fun I changed this rhyme, Son to Dad. The last line does not end in Ha ha ha coz , my husband's concern always ends up in "Blah blah blah" as a response from my father in law. Lol. 


#This post is written for the prompt - The Nursery Rhyme Challenge (IBMC)

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